artEC/Oindustry's Logo


my story - artEC/Oindustry

Who is artEC/Oindustry?

artEC/Oindustry is an interdisciplinary think tank that tackles the arts as an interactive platform for an empathetic transformation and design policy in the mining sector. Based on relational thinking and reflective art/science practise, artEC/Oindustry asks how to integrate the complexities of our modern way of living into a social whole that would foster a meaningful and effective relationship between sectors, people, and the environment. ESG, SLO, socio-environmental responsibility, local economic realities, global power dynamics, indigenous livelihoods, and many more: Discover the relationship of everything, the benefits of critical experiencing, and the potential in co-creational processes! Wine and Lithium, the out-of-the-box exploration company is on the rise. Join its first real-world lab in Prottes, Lower Austria, to explore the subsurface with its hidden lithium treasures! Can we transform the old into the new?

This company is:

Service provider

Vienna, Austria

1-10 Employees


Products & services of artEC/Oindustry

Product service - artEC/Oindustry image


service - artEC/Oindustry

IN-PERSON and Virtualinterdisciplinary and Cross-sectoral SESSIONS find the missing components achieve a better performance with your team One-on-one personal coachingTeam workshopsBusiness adviceMulti-nationalproject development BENEFITS Increasing communication and interactive skills Enhancing interpersonal relationships with each other Increasing one's expertise and integrating new systems and approaches Thinking out of the box Request Quote Being more perceptive, receptive and mindful

Product A Visit at Ilie Poindipenda’s Studio - artEC/Oindustry image


A Visit at Ilie Poindipenda’s Studio - artEC/Oindustry

Ilie, a 24 years young artist from the Tiéti tribe in Poindimié on New Caledonia’s east coast, is one of the new Caledonian representatives at the upcoming Festival of Pacific Arts on Solomon Islands in July 2012. Reggae music is greeting me as i arrive at Ilie‘s place. Ilie appears between a traditional Melanesian hut and his home and studio. Smilingly he invites me in, offering coffee and delicious sweet bananas from

Product humanizing technology through art within a planetary society - artEC/Oindustry image


humanizing technology through art within a planetary society - artEC/Oindustry

dominika presented parts of her doctoral thesis on japanese-american artist isamu noguchi (1904-1988) and his approach to science and technology after world war II at this years' AAANZ conference together apart in andrew mcnamara's panel modernism, everyday life and collective creativity. humanizing technology through art within a planetary society complicates one-sided narratives on noguchi’s

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Think Tanks


Facilities & Services

Use Cases of artEC/Oindustry


Projects - artEC/Oindustry

Projects | Fertilizing an Empty Future? | ClimArtLab Project: Evolving Futures – Owning Our Mess | Deep Earth Synergies: launching the arts hub in UK | Transdisciplinary Workshop: Bonding with Plastics | Imp@ct Mining Conference: Mining and The Arts | Casa Branca Fest Brazil: Togetherness through the Arts | Poro Maï Mine | Tiébaghi – the New Mine | Tiébaghi – the Old Mine | Katowice: Mining Site Redesigned | A Visit at Ilie Poindipenda’s Studio

Contact of artEC/Oindustry

City: Vienna

State: -

Country: Austria

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about artEC/Oindustry

The company artEC/Oindustry is located in Vienna, Austria. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information artEC/Oindustry has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company artEC/Oindustry has it's main focus in the industries of Facilities & Services

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